By Published On: April 21, 2014Categories: White PapersTags: , , , , 0.8 min read

Don’t underestimate the power of quality accommodations as powerful resource in risk management.


Alcohol- and substance-abuse costs the Canadian economy C$24.3 billion per year in lost productivity and about 10 times that in the United States. Drinking on the job, working with hangovers, the use of more sick days and higher accident rates all contribute to the high costs, not to mention indirect costs like health care, turnover, legal issues, etc. To the point, the issues are more prevalent in the blue-collar workers and the upstream oil and gas, mining, and construction industries – sectors where safety is paramount.


Policies and environments that address these issues and root-causes are important considerations. The availability of high-quality housing and lodging that offers a welcome place for the other 12 off-shift hours results in the reduction of lost-time accidents, absenteeism and sick days, as well as delivers improvements in productivity and efficiency.

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