By Published On: August 18, 2014Categories: White PapersTags: , , , 0.7 min read

Boost productivity: Your workforce benefits from quality rest, recovery and nutrition.


When you think of a boomtown, a lot of people think of young single men with little education, massive pickup trucks and fistfuls of cash. The stereotypical image of mobile workers as “roughneck” is outdated. In this whitepaper, Angela C. Angel, MSc, challenges the stereotype and uses actual demographic data of the mobile workforce populations in both the Alberta Oil Sands and North Dakota’s Bakken Oil Region.


Recent research reveals that the majority of these workers are family-oriented, hardworking individuals who travel significant distances and spend a great deal of time away from home to make a better life for themselves and their families. The perception and treatment of these valuable workforces matters to the health, productivity and the greater community.

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