By Published On: July 29, 2021Categories: Project OverviewsTags: , , , 0.9 min read
  • Proud to be associated with the Olympic spirit
  • Proud to be associated with the Olympic spirit
  • Proud to be associated with the Olympic spirit
  • Secured communities, built for comfort, productivity and morale.
  • Proud to be associated with the Olympic spirit
  • Welcoming service to make you feel at home
  • Awesome dining facility!
  • Transportation services
  • The Olympic spirit resonates worldwide
  • Lodging & transporation



30 Days

  • 650 rooms
  • On-site with certified nutritionist
  • Converted classrooms into dorm rooms with A/C
  • Installed laundromats
  • Helicopter landing zones
The Story

Before the Olympic flame was lit in Athens, the U.S. Government needed a highly secure location for parking military vehicles, storing weapons and temporarily housing workers. They chose Target Hospitality. And we chose the Geitonas School to convert into a functional, secure and enjoyable short-term living quarters for more than 600 federal agents and staff. In addition to converting the classrooms into dorm rooms, we installed air conditioning and laundromats, added showers and toilets, turned soccer fields into helicopter pads and brought in furniture, linens and on-site catering – all within 30 days. We may not have received a medal at the games, but we did impress a lot of brass.

Key Challenges

Extreme timetable. Extreme heat (above 100°F every day in August). Lack of viable locations.

The Extra Mile

To meet our client’s demand for additional showers and laundry, we had to install enhanced plumbing and electrical systems.

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